San Jose police said Lucien Cabrera, 19, built illegal guns in his San Jose home and brazenly marketed them on social media.
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When San Jose police officers with the Metro and Violent Crimes Enforcement Teams served a fentanyl-related search warrant at an unhoused encampment in south San Jose on Sunday, they discovered a big haul of cash and illegal drugs. Two primary suspects were taken into custody nearby and the subsequent search yielded two firearms, narcotics for sale, drug paraphernalia, and over $17,000 in cash, according to police. Both suspects had been prohibited from owning firearms because of prior criminal records, police said.
Read More 0Police reported that during violent incidents that began more than a year ago at his Morgan Hill home, Officer Timothy Hackney threw his girlfriend into a bedroom and would not let her leave, forcibly covered her mouth so she couldn’t scream and slapped a phone out of her hand so that she couldn’t call 911.
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