Council to Appoint Planning Commissioners

Mayor Chuck Reed released his June Budget Message on Friday, and not much has changed since he first released his budget plan in March. Reed wants to open four libraries, the Bascom Community Center, add additional funds to the gang prevention task force and tackling some of the city’s biggest infrastructure problems.

A hearing will be held Monday, June 11, to consider City Manager Debra Figone’s proposed budget as well as the mayor’s recommendations. The matter will then be voted on at the June 12 City Council meeting. Final adoption is slated for June 19.

At tomorrow’s City Council meeting, the following matters will be reviewed:

Planning commissioner candidates will be interviewed and four could be appointed, including Peter Allen and Norm Kline.
— Increasing the amount of money set aside for outside legal counsel pertaining to the city’s fiscal reforms in the amount of $550,000.
— Increasing compensation for Renne Sloan Holtzman & Sakai LLP by $300,000 for legal services pertaining to labor relations.
— Setting public hearings on the Business Improvement Districts.
— Team San Jose seems to have gotten its act together under Bill Sherry, which is why the council plans to accept the Team San Jose quarterly report.
— Reappoint and appoint committee commissioners.
— Support a puppy licensing program proposed by Assembly Bill 1939.
— And finally, the council will discuss its reimbursement of JP Morgan Chase, which is part of the never-ending fight between the city and the county over property tax distribution.

Click to see the City Council Agenda for June 5, 2012.

Josh Koehn is a former managing editor for San Jose Inside and Metro Silicon Valley.



    I’ve been checking the commissions website for a while now.  Vacancies have been shown in every other commission, sans this one…

    When were these openings posted?

    • Well I’m happy to see Peter Allen on the list of candidates.  Good to know that a press related member will be on the commission (maybe we’ll have less secret meetings because of it)

      My sources tell me Peter is “hella” cool.

  2. —  Increasing the amount of money set aside for outside legal counsel pertaining to the city’s fiscal reforms in the amount of $550,000.

    Why because Chuck knows he will lose in the courts long after he is gone so he could care less about money.  I suggest you put the 9 million surplus for next year in the lawyers pockets as well.

    This mayor is crazy.  How much money is he going to dump on this illegal measure!

    How about settling with the county, forget about a ball park and get your priorties in order.

    Well at least he wants to support a puppy licensing program.

    My God this mayor and council is out of control.  Hopefully, we can clean up a couple of members tomorrow.

    Sell the moth balled 92 million dollar never to be opened police substation.  Better yet move the soon to be 800 member police force into the new building and give the county all the old property like you did with the old city hall.

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