Neighborhood Safety Meeting

From Kathleen Flynn: The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Association of Santa Clara Valley and co-sponsor Council member Kansen Chu invite you to attend a Crime Prevention and Neighborhood/Child Safety Meeting.

SJPD Chief Chris Moore
Mini Le, SJPD Crime Prevention
Neighborhood leaders Bob Sippel and Alofa Talivaa

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
City Hall Council Chambers
6p.m. to 8p.m.
Parking will be validated.

Please Join Us to LearnAbout:
• SJPD Crime Prevention Services forYouth
• SJPD Crime Prevention Services for Adults
• Establishing Partnerships to Improve Your Safety
• Neighborhood Watch
• National Night Out
• Benefits of Forming a Neighborhood Association
• Community Building


  1. Waste of time,

    they are laying off all the cops and no longer have security officers in the library system where sex predators hang out. 

    So it looks like it’s up to the community to do the policing?  Give me a break…..  and the guy who is heading it up is a 6’5” Figone Puppet. 

    Old Frank

    • Old Frank,

      I agree that losing our public safety personnel is deeply concerning. I too am disappointed in the way our Police and Fire Fighters are being treated. Having said that, now more than ever our SJPD and SJFD need our help. Because they are and will be greatly shorted staffed, they need us to be their eyes and ears.

      By attending this meeting and educating yourself on HOW to assist them, you are not only supporting them, you’ll be learning how to protect yourself, your children, and your neighborhood.  I hope to see you there.

      • Kathleen,
        Thanks for promoting this and also your support for our police department.

        The San Jose Police Department is soon going to layoff 300-400 officers, or about 30% percent of the entire department. There will be no patrol officers to respond to most burglaries, car accidents, vandalism, car thefts, alarms, or most other “property” crimes.

        Citizens need to band together to fend for themselves and not be under the illusion that there will be support from the police department.

      • Kathleen-
        The unfortunate part is that you can have all the eyes and ears in the citizenry that you want. There still won’t be enough cops to attend to any of the details.

        The things that your eyes and ears see will fall upon empty desks and filed away as useless information.

        Sad but true.

  2. Thanks Kathleen, for announcing this important meeting. I believe you also deserve the credit for pulling it together, if I’m not mistaken.

    As our police/fire services dwindle and proactive neighborhood safety services disappear, it’s important to me to learn what our neighborhoods can do to help ourselves.

    Thanks again!


    • Thank you Tina. I’m so glad to hear you’ll be attending the meeting. We need dedicated community members like you!

      Tuesday morning around 4:30 AM, my neighbor’s car was vandalized. They broke the windows out of her car in an effort to take her stereo, etc. They were caught in the process, and failed in their attempt to burglarize her car because our building is a part of Neighborhood Watch.

      The Police received a description of the white truck, and the guy in the black hoodie. They have added extra patrols on our block. I’m grateful that we all took the Neighborhood Watch course, so we all knew what to do, and what NOT to do!

  3. My house alarm system went off whileI was out to dinner. Where I was seated my cell phone had no service. When I got to my car I listened to my voice mail and found out my home alarm was sounding. Exactally 2 hours and 35 minutes later SJPD knocks o my door to see what is going on. I said are you kidding?? This long? They said it was a low priority and when they have time, they respond on low priority calls? What will happen when 10% gets laid off? Do you think SJPD will there for you? Come wake up residents!! It is time for a Mayor and Council Change!!

    • FYI,…presently we are considering the possibility of not responding to alarms UNLESS there is a secondary factor that assists in authenticating the alarm as actual (vs false). In plain English,…if there is not a neighbor calling in also, audio feed of perps inside, evidence of break-in, etc,….we will NOT respond,…period. Two plus hours is not bad,…I have seen alarm calls pend an entire shift. Thank your local city councilperson.

      In a disaster, forget police/fire,…we are not coming. An EFFECTIVE response is history. There is insufficient staffing and we are utterly unprepared. Off-duty officers will stay home and take of their families. I am embarrassed and sad to say it,…I wish I had never come to SJPD years ago. Aside from a few, the vast majority of laterals feel the same way. This agency has been shredded and morale is about to hit an all-time low when historic lay-offs arrive. LET ROME BURN. The police will be blamed no matter.

    • San Jose Resident,

      Unfortunately, things are only going to get worse as we lay off more Police Officers. While I completely understand your frustration, an alarm going off is low priority compared to a rape in progress, a murder, or a robbery in progress.

      After reading your post, I called Chief Phan Ngo, one of the presenters in last night’s meeting on Crime Prevention. He said you can go to their website:, look to the left for a box that says: Organizations, go to the Bureau of Field Operations. You will see a map. Look for your neighborhood, click on it, and you will find your Division Captain’s contact information. Call him or her and let them know what happened.

      Secondly, you and your neighbors might want to start a Neighborhood Watch Program. It is FREE! You can call Crime Prevention at 408-277-4133, to set one up. As our PD gets smaller, and crime rises, we as a community will have to start helping one another, so please consider calling Crime Prevention and find out how to protect yourself and your neighbors. 

      Good luck and stay safe.

  4. Thank you again Kathleen, for organizing tonight’s community meeting. I appreciated getting to ask questions and thought the whole meeting flowed well, especially with all the speakers you had.

    Also it was great to hear from the neighborhood leaders about how they organize, projects they’ve worked on, etc.



    • Thank you for coming Tina. My hope is that everyone who attended got the information they needed. Here is information on our next community meeting:

      The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Association of Santa Clara Valley and Co-Sponsor San Jose Council Member Kansen Chu would like to invite you to our next community meeting.

      The topic will be:
      Ombuds and Child Welfare, Safety, and Abuse Meeting

      Presenters will be:

      The County Of Santa Clara’s Ombuds person Brohne Lawhorne and Lori Medina of the Department of Family and Children’s Services

      Thursday, May 19, 2011
      San Jose City Hall in the Council Chambers
      200 East Santa Clara Street, San Jose, Ca. 95113
      6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

      If you are concerned about issues regarding child welfare, have questions or complaints about the Department of Family and Children’s Services, or simply need to know your rights, please attend this meeting.

      For more information please contact Kathleen Flynn at [email protected], or call 408-861-5323.

      I hope to see you there!

  5. Resident:

    It is my understanding that in the near future, alarm calls will not even be dispatched.  If you get robbed then they will come out.  It might still be 2 and half hours later but they’ll get there.  Unless you are the city managers chief negotiator and then you get a lieutenant out in minutes to take a report.  (I don’t know if that last part is true, I just read it here a few weeks back)

  6. When Mayor Chuck Reed, City Manager Debbie Figone, and the council would rather spend $6 million for “ART” at the sewage treatment plant rather than police, fire, crossing guards, etc how can you expect officers or fire fighters to care anymore?

    Oh,…make no mistake, we will respond when called upon and do a professional job. Beyond that staffing levels make it unsafe to be proactive so now,…like firefighters, we wait. Patrol and wait for the next call…nothing else. City Hall,…winning,….public safety and citizens,…losing.

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