Two Killed, Four Injured in Mass Shooting by San Jose State

Police are investigating a mass shooting in downtown San Jose that killed two and wounded four others. SJPd has yet to identify a suspect or motive.

SJPD spokesman Sgt. Christian Camarillo said gunfire was reported around 10pm Tuesday on the 600 block of South Eighth and East Reed streets, by San Jose State.

Two victims were pronounced dead on the spot. The others were rushed to hospitals to be treated for undisclosed injuries. “All are expected to survive,” police said.

SJPD initially believed that five people were shot, but learned over the course of the investigation that a sixth person was wounded as well, according to Camarillo.

Names of the dead victims will be released by the Santa Clara County Medical-Examiner-Coroner after confirming their identity and notifying their families.

The deaths mark the 27th and 28th homicides in San Jose in 2020. By this same time last year, there were 25 murders in the city.

Anyone with information is asked to contact detectives Sgt. Ali Miri or Officer Gabriel Cuenca of the San Jose Police Department Homicide Unit at 408.277.5283. Those wishing to remain anonymous may call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 408.947.7867 or submit information online at

This article has been updated to reflect how SJPD identified a sixth victim. 


  1. “The horrific shooting on 8th Street leaves our hearts rending for the families and friends of the two community members we have lost, and the four injured. SJPD continues to investigate, and we will not stop until we bring the killer to justice.” Mayor Sam Liccardo

    Two community members? Have the deceased already been identified and the information released to the mayor? If not, how has he established they are community members? Did he form that conclusion using reason, emotion, or his odious political instincts? A reasonable response would be distress over the violence coupled with a mature, wait-and-see attitude concerning the facts of the case. What if it turns out the deceased are something other than community members (it would not be unprecedented for them to turn out to be perpetrators from out of town), or a pair of those all but extinct white supremacists so often in the news? Would the mayor’s heart still be hurting?

    So the mayor, includes himself in the “we” who will “not stop” until the killer(s) are brought to justice. What is meant by “not stop?” Does it mean not stop even if it’s necessary to compile a race-inclusive profile of the perpetrator(s) and stop and question all who fit it? Does it include conferring with ICE, engaging in high-speed chases, kicking in doors, and using physical force to overcome any resistance — even if the perpetrator claims he cannot breathe? Does it including using deadly force — even if the perpetrator is a black thug worthy of a Pelosi-led state funeral? “Not stop” defines the sworn duty of police officers, yet wimpy, deceitful politicians like Mayor Liccardo have proven themselves ever ready to object whenever “not stop” produces political controversy.

    Mayor Liccardo’s statement was, as is everything he does, self-serving and inauthentic. Better for him to just shut up.

  2. Is anyone else getting tired of this stuff. Those are major streets and appears the shooter just ran out of bullets. I guess I don’t get out much and this is the first I’ve heard of this. Sad that people were killed and injured. Sad for the families and sad for our community that has a sick shooter at large.

  3. And it is interesting and bizarre that the Merc did not even treat a local mass shooting as a front page story. It was oddly relegated to the Local section, as if to help suppress this from being too widely distributed.

  4. You should seriously consider changing your tabloid style headline. This shooting was certainly a tragedy, but a “mass” shooting. This body count in SJ is a regular Friday or Saturday night in Chicago. These are just a few truly mass shootings: Columbine, 15 dead, 21 wounded; Sandy Hook, 26 dead school children, the killer, and his mother; the Pulse club in Orlando, 49 dead, 53 wounded; VA Tech, 32 dead, 17 wounded, Las Vegas, 59 dead, 412 wounded. Remove “mass” from the headline. It scares West Side white privilege folk unnecessarily, and is inaccurate. if you must have a descriptor, how about “drive-by”?

  5. JMC,

    You forgot the Bath School Massacre. Although I guess that one might get disqualified despite the body count since the perpetrator *only* used a gun to ignite the incendiaries and explosives he had manufactured in secret and placed throughout the school.

    You also forgot about the Enoch Brown School Massacre, but maybe that doesn’t count since only Enoch Brown (the school master) was the only one who was shot, then scalped. The children were merely tomahawked and then scalped. And maybe no one in modern history would count it regardless, since it was Lenape Indians who committed that particular mass casualty event and therefore were what we now know to be a protected class. And, as the media now makes clear, atrocities committed by protected classes of persons are hardly worthy of mention, much less any meaningful attentioni.

  6. > Two Killed, Four Injured in Mass Shooting by San Jose State

    Dear Mr. Newsroom.

    This seems to be a frequent enough occurrence in the nation’s safest big city that San Jose Inside should create a “search tag” for mass shootings so that SJI’s loyal readers can quickly review our history of such shootings just to remind ourselves if we’re really still the safest big city.

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