Minneapolis Chief Withdraws Application for SJPD Job

If leadership change provided an opportunity for police reform, it doesn’t look like that’s in the cards in Silicon Valley’s biggest city. San Jose’s nationwide search for its next police chief turned up just one external finalist: Medaria Arradondo.

Yup. That Medaria Arradondo—the guy in charge of the Minneapolis Police Department at the time of George Floyd’s death.

While Arradondo wound up dropping out of contention at the 11th hour, the fact that he was even an option rubbed civil rights leaders the wrong way.

Raj Jayadev, founder of Silicon Valley De-Bug, said Arradondo landing on the short list showed just how “mind-numbingly out of touch” San Jose is “with the political temperament in our community and country.”

He sarcastically added: “They literally deliberated and thought, ‘Where was the epicenter of a racist killing of a Black man by police that was so egregious it triggered an unprecedented national outrage? Yeah, let’s get that chief to lead our department. That represents our values. What could go wrong?’”

As San Jose grapples with its own law enforcement issues, including fallout from an alarmingly violent response to local demonstrations against Floyd’s murder, activists and the city’s elected leaders had hoped to find a broader range of candidates.

But, here we are.

With Arradondo out, the remaining five finalists either work for SJPD or had worked there in the past. Namely, SJPD Acting Chief David Tindall, deputy chiefs Anthony Mata and Heather Randol, Capt. Jason Ta and SJPD alumnus-turned Piedmont police Chief Jeremy Bowers.

A few PD insiders who spoke to Fly say their money’s on Randol or Tindall—although, as one noted, it might be a bit awkward for the latter if he was passed over for an underling. If Randol gets the job, as Fly’s noted before, she’d become San Jose’s first female chief.

Of course, that’s up to the City Council to decide, and the public will get a chance to watch some of the interviews play out in a public forum this weekend. Judging by memos issued this week by Mayor Sam Liccardo, Vice Mayor Chappie Jones and council members Sylvia Arenas, David Cohen and Maya Esparza, the remaining finalists will have to answer some tough questions about race and policing.

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The Fly is the valley’s longest running political column, written by Metro Silicon Valley staff, to provide a behind-the-scenes look at local politics. Fly accepts anonymous tips.


  1. > The top feminist b!tch in the county has noticed your corruption.

    Who IS “the top feminist b!tch in the county”?

    If she is going to do something about corruption, I have a list of corruptocrats that she can go to work on.

  2. > Judging by memos issued this week by Mayor Sam Liccardo, Vice Mayor Chappie Jones and council members Sylvia Arenas, David Cohen and Maya Esparza, the remaining finalists will have to answer some tough questions about race and policing.

    How about, in the interest of community harmony and competent and effective law enforcement, we just cross off all the race obsessed identity politics tokens from the list of candidates.

  3. Hey bubble, she is behind law suits individuals and organizations have had. She is effective through her connections, people confiding their secrets, and connecting them to legal representation. Raj knows her now. She is fearless to a crazy point. She is a saint and a b!tch! Good thing she is my friend and likes me! We belong to the same Christian congregation and feminist group. We both were Christian missionaries and shared the same room during our Christian ministries here in San José, Los Angeles, Guadalajara Mexico, and Rome.

  4. Fexxnist to Raj Jayadev
    A watch dog group watching another so called watch dog group. It’s a dog eat dog world we live in.
    About time someone watches de-bug.

  5. Raj Jayadev, founder of Silicon Valley De-Bug, said: “They literally deliberated and thought, ‘Where was the epicenter of a racist killing of a Black man by police that was so egregious it triggered an unprecedented national outrage? Yeah, let’s get that chief to lead our department…'”

    I never saw the George Floyd killing as racist. It was police brutality and the four officers involved were immediately fired and are being prosecuted. If the killer cop had a swastika on his forehead like Charles Manson or a Confederate flag on his Facebook page, then I’d say he’s probably a racist. But the fact that the police chief is Black makes it even more apparent that the Minneapolis PD isn’t particularly racist. Otherwise what is your theory — the Black police chief is incompetent and oblivious to the fact that he has a racist department, or the Black police chief is an Uncle Tom who goes along with white racists in his department, or the Black police chief just isn’t up to the job because he was an affirmative-action hire?

    The U. S. Capitol Police admitted that one of their officers shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed white woman who tried to climb through a broken window, in the Capitol riot on January 6. The name of that officer hasn’t been released. Where else in the U. S. can police shoot and kill a citizen and not release the name of the officer for three weeks? Main-stream media is completely uninterested because it doesn’t fit their narrative, but it has been posted on fringe websites that the killer cop is David Bailey, who also shot and killed the Steve Scalise shooter a few years ago, got a medal from Pres. Trump, and happens to be Black. Now where is the outrage that David Bailey is a racist, misogynist, murderer who ought to be fired?

  6. How do you know San Jose Inside is training to kill a story they just published that had unexpected results? They publish other stories within hours, one after another. With this story, the intent was make this Chief of police and those considering him “out of touch.” But then, the main source talking about the lack of integrity within an institution was called out for his very duty hands when “seeking” justice for others. Raj, hand sanitizer is quite available now!

  7. The Minneapolis police chief stood down his officers and allowed a precinct to be burned. It’s estimated that the damage in the Twin Cities and surrounding suburbs cost more than $500 million, making it the second-costliest civil disturbance in U.S. history. We don’t need a failed chief here. We need a chief who will enforce the laws on the books without exception, regardless of the political pressure from a clueless mayor and city council. It would also help if the district attorney would prosecute the criminals brought to him by the police, but that’s a battle for another day.

  8. “We need a chief who will enforce the laws on the books without exception, regardless of the political pressure from a clueless mayor and city council.”

    I see your point that any police chief in San Jose has to deal with pressure from a clueless mayor and city council. But in this country uniformed officers are always under the authority of civilian elected leaders. Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey gave the order to abandon the 3rd precinct. If you want a police chief who ignores his bosses, that’s the definition of a “police state”.

  9. Dear Community,

    I do not read this often.

    The work that De-Bug does in and for the Community is beyond reproach.

    In this Country of the RED, WHITE, and BLUE, De-Bug can take a position and People can “Whine” about the successful work De-Bug has done.

    Making this about the Director is a total waist of time.

    If De-Bug was not so successful at Community Activism as they are, they would not have caught the eye of those that seem to appreciate Oppression.

    De-Bug has done a fantastic job of making the System correct its own wrong by Playing the Game of the Game Owners, ie… – The Courts, The Police, the Politicians.

    I know what I learned with De-Bug in those early years as an Organizer has made me the Activist I am Proud to be today.

    Like De-Bug, I just do my job quietly for the Community and let others that are contrary bring me further into the light.

    Remember this – “Thou dost Protest too much, methinks” .(Hamlet, William Shakespeare)

    For some reason, It seems some people always have a ‘Hard-on’ for Raj, and no matter what he (Raj) does, good or bad, it will always be wrong.

    That in it self is telling about the person addressing Raj and not the Police Chief Issue this Article represents.

    That is my opinion,
    Danny Garza

  10. Danny Garza, “Cuando yo digo que la gata es parda, es porque tengo los pelos en la mano.” Ten cuidado con aquellos vestidos de corderos cuando en realidad son lobos…”

    https://southbaypa.org/issues/endorsemements/ You can find the south progressive endorsement for De-Bug political De-Fund the police campaign

    Then, this is the listing for the Santa Clara County Behavioral Health public meetings for public input on CMR. For this listing, De-Bug uses its Tax Exempt Community organization status! The meetings took place from the Mid of December to the Mid of January.

    NEW – Wednesday, January 6th at 5:30 PM session with Silicon Valley De-Bug
    Hosted and facilitated by Silicon Valley De-Bug

    Register for the event:


    Is De-Bug a political group behind campaigns such as De-Fund the police or a Community Organization which want a sit on every aspect of Santa Clara Behavioral Health input, planning, and decision making?

    Per IRS website, a Tax Exempt organization CANNOT participate or even less be the maker of a political campaign. Such violation is listed on the form on how to report fraud by Tax Exempt organization.

    Danny, querido, aprende esto y llegaras a viejo; no metas las manos a fuego por nadie porque te quemaras. And I mean no one! Trust only the lord!

  11. Raj Jayadev, is your organization a Non-Profit Advocacy Community Group or a “Non-Profit” Political Group or both?


    NEW – Wednesday, January 6th at 5:30 PM session with Silicon Valley De-Bug
    Hosted and facilitated by Silicon Valley De-Bug

    Register for the event:


    I know you have progressives insiders within the different Santa Clara County Departments and Offices, so do I dear! Say hi to Sparky Harlan!

  12. OMG, the page for the progressives endorsements cannot be found! Good thing I always take screenshots with my phone ?. This is the big scam of the progressives ? They have placed their followers in top political, academic, and governmental positions so they can control what happens. I will wait to see if the Fly can find out why the page is no longer there. WOW Raj, you are a bigger crook than what I thought. No worries… we are watching and accumulating evidence against your fictitious “non” profit advocacy group. I went to a Walgreens and took obtained 3-5 pictures of my screenshots! This was done back in December when the page still existed. Extreme progressives you are a group of rotten individuals what in my own dictionary I call Human trash! Fellow Centric Democrats what about De-Bugging corruption!

  13. The concept of the modern city police is actually a pretty recent invention, Peel’s London Police in 1829. In essence they are crowd control serving at the behest of the mayor, and under no obligation to lift a finger to serve or protect you. More to restore the appearance of peace and order. Frequently in coexistence with organized crime who are far more effective in suppressing bad-for-business chaotic freelance criminals.

    Sheriffs on the other hand are elected official accountable to the people of the county, frequently the last line of defense for your constitutional rights. A real job, with real power.

    Police Chiefs are political hacks with large pensions and wholesome scripts, not much more.

  14. The Fly, this is an investigation worthy of your investigation. If you need a witness who had email communication with Santa Clara County Behavioral Health managers, I can connect you with her. She brought the situation to their attention at my request and saw the South County Progressives endorsement for De-Bug DeFund the police campaign. There are tons of other online information about DeBug acting as a political group. Who knows, it appears they have engaged in online reputation damage control, some of these pages may not exist by now. Investigate this guy before we have another CEO with close connections to politicians and other public officials who is just another big Scam. Remember the Indian CEO Ponzi Scammer investigated by the SEC? The page in question was recently taken out of circulation, most likely after my reporting here. The evidence and witnesses are there. This guy has not only participation in community programs pay by Santa Clara County, but his organization also receives public funding. I think this is just another big time scammer well connected to County politicians and public management employees! I urge you to investigate this fishy situation. There have been conflicts between the county MHSA LSD about De-Bug participation as an organization which had also acted as a political group. If you need to contact me do so through the email on this post. If I was investigating this, I would start by investigatingwhy the page cannot be found, with the endorsements made by the progressives. This is the source of corruption. The county MHSA SLC are themselves in need to clarify if De-Bug is a political group or a Tax Exempt Advocacy grupo. Some never heard of the name De-Bug. They were like…”what is De-Bug?”Big scammers who take advantage of Human pain and suffering are the most dangerous types!

  15. Is the “top bitch” award gender neutral? Asking for a friend.

    On a more serious note Fexxnist – thanks. My printer is working and will be filing a complaint as well. Good catch.

  16. The top b!tch is heterosexual and attracted to handsome males only. She is not looking for any friend. The fake belief that feminists are lesbians and look like males is just that a fake belief. There are all types of feminists. We are the Christian heterosexual types and attracted to handsome male specimens and love ❤️ high heels ? I have worked and done all from home. In between the COVID and rain, it just hard to go out. It just may be the ink. Thank you ? so much Taxpayer for filling and sending the complaint. One less thing I have to do! I tried to do it online, but I couldn’t do it. I called the IRS to ask why. They said I have to print copies and send by mail. It cannot be done online. The form is simple. Make sure you have the right address. If not sure, call them to the phone number on the form area. You can ask for your identity to be anonymous to prevent any type of retaliation.

  17. Every newspaper/new article should include who, what, where, when, why, and how. This article is missing WHY. Yes, he dropped out, but I have not yet read WHY.

  18. FEXXNIST: Are You a Troll ? De-Bug is a VALUED Community SERVICE to the community that has LONG exposed judicial and police corruption. You may choose to IGNORE all of this — but hopefully most readers will see and ignore your convoluted and misguided rants. God Bless De-Bug and may it continue to serve a higher purpose to our community long ignored. Especially now, in these times that are ignoring the meaning of our Constitution and meaning of Justice for All. A replay of ‘Jim Crow- Re-dux’ environment we are in Has to be extinguished !! : De-Bug is DOING JUST THAT ! Most people know and are aware of this.

  19. Manny, I do not adore false idols. This is the problem in United States. Thus this is nothing personal against this individual. However, this individual appears to have engaged in a clear violation. Check the IRS site. You will find out Tax Exempt organizations are not allowed to engage in political campaigns. Per the progressives endorsement on July 15, 2020, De-Bug is the group responsible for the De-Fund police. When my contact brought the issue to the attention of the behavioral health people they stated De-bug is a community advocacy group. I then went online and obtained all the information related to their Non-profit status and also related to their political status. I then talked to the IRS via phone to share my concerns. They stated it is a violation for a non profit to engaging a political campaign. Check the IRS website. Me and my friend supported the recall of judge Persky because we knew privileged men were given passes for their sexual, domestic violence, and child pornography crimes. Jeff Rosen is responsible for all those crimes including the Gilroy murder suicide. A SJPD officer killed his wife, a Gilroy woman I knew. I have insiders details of police corruption. This especially true for Gilroy and San José police. This guy Raj Jayave is fishy. Corruption is corruption independently where is coming from? Don’t communist do the same? They pretend to be on the side of the people, but they just want power and control. Are you too a Fidel Castro and Maduro apologist? I am used to the non-sense comments of males like you! Tus comentarios se me resbalán. No hay peor siego que el que no quiere ver!

  20. Manny:

    Could you please give us a couple of recent concrete examples of De Bug’s success in exposing judicial and police corruption? I mean cases where a judge or police officer was removed from their office or disciplined solely due to De Bug’s efforts. No, not examples of supporting a criminal defendant’s lawsuit against the government entity that arrested or incarcerated them as those are often settled pre trial as a dollar and cents decision. No, not advocating for hunger strikes in Bay Area jails to protest conditions. I mean real prosecutable corruption.

    I used to be a supporter of De Bug years ago when I felt they truly advocated for the little guy. Now, I feel that they are used as soldiers carrying the political water of electeds…

  21. RACING TO BECOME SEATTLE! Amen to your last paragraph! That is my message here! The politicians and political groups “progressives” have made this guy and his organization bigger that what it is! No concrete effort there. However this organization receives tax payers money ? that is a rip off!

  22. Miguel, yo no las tomo, doy el tratamiento. What a surprise males justifying other males’ illegal behavior! We need a woman as SJPD Chief of Police! Go Heather. DeBugging corruption is the main goal of Santa Clara County Feminists.The law should apply the same to Dems, Reps, and extremist Sandersim and Trumpism followers. All people should have equal access to the law, not only the influential connected to politicians, public officials, and political especial interests groups. This is the type of “leadership” of Raj! Me sobran huevos uterinos para enfrentarme a ti y hasta el pinche diablo! Bring it on cariño. I take the challenge. Tu y cuantos más? Si Dios conmigo, quien contra mi?

  23. For all of you males used to thinking with your penises not your brain, I invite you to engage in some critical thinking ? Do not take my word or anyone’s for granted. All you have to do is to explore the two websites…zoom connections I included above. One, the endorsement shows DeBug acting as a political group. The connection to the Santa Clara County Behavioral input meeting on CMR show DeBug on the role of a Tax Exempt community organization. Then go to the IRS website under reporting community organization fraud. You will see this political campaign by DeBug is a violation. It takes time but not much neuronal energy. It is as simple as knowing that 2+3 do not equal 4 but something odd!

  24. Fexxnist, you sound like a rabid feminazi. Why are you trying to get in the way of real police reform? Is it because you want a woman as chief of police for one of the most brutal police agency in the south bay?

    Simply put DeBug has done more good for the community than you can possibly do with your psychotic rants. The SJPD must be held to account and their brutality must not go unpunished.

  25. Hey, Miguel, me and my feminists friends are top supporters of Kamala Harris. One of the things we asked her was that, Police reform. It was just passed by Biden. DeBug and the extremist progressives do not want Police reform. They want to eliminate the police. Because of the work of Santa Clara County feminists, Gilroy former mayor, Don Gage, resigned unexpectedly after being confronted By Ana Gabriela Hermosillo about Gilroy PD corrupted officers. She requested a private meeting to discuss the corruption and evidence. He resigned within two weeks of the request. The last mayor was confronted the same way about Police corruption too. He is out. Ana also confronted DA Jeff Rosen in the last public Children Forum about the corruption of the police in the county and he giving them a pass on this corruption. She confronted him in front of County supervisors and other officials, and the public. Jeff Rosen is still there. Ana also trashed corrupted former commissioner Irwin Joseph. She did this in person and online. He retired after all this trashing by Ana which was picked by social media. What is different about our feminist cause and DeBug is that we do not generalize and categorize all police officers, judges, DAs as corrupted. We go after the bad apples and corrupted individuals. Those we have some indication or evidence of their corruption. Raj Jayavec was recently added to our list of two top bad apples to go after. In Mexico they call us the Feminazis and you call us the rabid feminazis. We are a group located in all Latin America and the United States. Our two role models of Feminists are Sor Juana Inez De la Cruz and Policarpa Salavarrieta. Read about those two women and you will see the types we are. We are God fearing and loving women willing to die for our cause. SOMOS Las Feministas y lo que tipos como tú piensen nos vale M@DRE! FIGHTING CORRUPTION, Feminicidios, and crimes against women and children are our three main goals. En cuanto a tus insultos: “ botellita de vinagre todo lo que digas será para ti y para tu pinche m@dre! Este es mi amor a la Mexicana para ti Miguelin!

  26. Hey Miguel, this is what another of our feminists did. A lesbian program manager fire our feminist’s supervisor. He is a Black guy. His wife was six weeks apart from delivering their first baby. The program manager did this as if he just unexpectedly resigned. He was an outstanding employee and supervisor very well liked by most, not the lesbian manager. The ex boss called his former feminist supervisee to let her know what the large agency program manager did to him. His former supervisee not only guided him on how to obtain financial resources. She connected him to top legal representation. He won wrongful termination settlement. She stayed at the agency enough to collect all evidence for her former supervisor. She resigned after that. Today, he is employed. His baby girl was born in December 2020. The lesbian program manager gave his position to her female friend who was hired at a lower level position when he was on a two week vacation. He never returned from his vacation. We are also responsible for Gardner Family Care settlement. Top managers left the job after that. We do not advertise our actions. We operate like the COVID, you notice us when it is too late! Surprise factor. I cannot disclose all our actions because I would be disclosing the identity of our members.

  27. Fexxnist: oh bs nothing has been passed in terms of police reform. The pressure cannot be let up on the police since they will continue doing what they do best. That is terrorizing the minority community, which is why we must defund the police. If they want their funding they must stop the brutality.

    As for the other wacky crazy feminist social engineering you all are doing. Keep it up. Eventually you ladies will turn on each other or cross the wrong person. Just desserts.

  28. Miguel, Kamala is there for a reason. We won’t turn on each other because our captain is the lord. You know the saying: “Donde manda capitán no gobierna marinero.” We do our part and pray at night. He does what for us is impossible. We do not focus on the minority groups. We focus on the disadvantaged, the low SES with no access to justice. All those come in all forms, colors, sex, gender. I want you to have something very clear though Miguel. NO LE TENEMOS MIEDO A NADIE NI NADA! We only fear our lord! F@CK Raj Jayadev!

  29. FEXXNIST: spoken like a truly vile, pinche puta to me. The lord shall strike you brujas down for all the hurt and vindictive chaos you create.

  30. @ FEXXNIST: You will not have your way in protecting the corrupt SJPD nor will you try to hurt the minorities of San Jose!

  31. I have few more F@cks. F@CK JEFF ROSEN, F@CK Raj Jayadev, F@CK Julia A Emede, & F@CK MUGUEL! Perdona mio Deus because ya es Sabate!

  32. Bingo Miguel! I knew you are one of those with financial interés in this De-Bug Group. If I am a put@, well you mother is one too. I am sure she did the same thing I did to become pregnant and deliver you. I have only had sex with one guy in my whole life, the father of my children. You just called put@a most women. You see, if you were defending a real cause, you wouldn’t be the individual you are. Is the word F@ck a word only men can use without the loss of their male decency? If you call a woman Put@ what should we call you Put0? See people, these are the disciples of Raj Jayadev! Me sentaré afuera de mi puerta hasta ver tu finale DeBug.

  33. Miguel, I know you are not Miguel. You did not react to my “indecent” language in which I used language that was way more offensive for a real Latino man. You reacted aggressively until I said F@CK Raj Jayadev. Your response: “spoken … pinche puta to me…” YOU Raj? I am glad you feel threatened by the potential consequences of your own created corruption. Tire el anzuelo y lo mordiste. You cannot serve God and the devil ? La mentirá no permanece solo la verdad. Thank you for keeping the conversation. You opened the door to me into your mind.

  34. FEXXNIST no you mugroso puta, I am not him. I am Miguel Gonzalez, resident of East Side San Jo puta. I waited to call you a pinche puta once I found out more about you. I’ll keep my eye on you. You are a danger to the community.

  35. Huy que miedo mira como tiemblo Miguel! Tu eres de esos b@bosos Latinos tipos como Raj Jayadev use to cover up their duty business. You should be careful because my people are just there in East San José and East LA. Those incarcerated men men and women you brag about, they are my clients. I teach them how to unlearn their violent tendencies and recover from their addictions. I know their lives better than you do. Our church is international located in all United States and Latino America, Puerto Rico, Republica, Dominica, Cuba, Spain, Rome, and few Asian countries. While we have members from all races, most members are Latino decent. Most of those living in East San José and East LA are my brothers and sisters in Christ, and our Latino brothers and sisters. You should watch after yourself! Trust me they won’t doubt Jesús over Raj Jayadev, un enrejé! The members of our church vote! Thus, we have that power too! Somos miles y miles de miembros. Los Angeles, San José, Chicago, NY City, Orlando, Pasco, Washington and Pasco Florida, Phoenix, Dallas are our main US locations, Tijuana and Guadalajara our main Mexico’s locations, and three main locations in Brazil including Rio… At least one location in each other Latino country including Venezuela. Quien se tiene que cuidarse? Our feminist group is a subgroup from that macro religious group. Most members support our causes though! Our just added feminist cause is debugging DeBug’s corrupted founder, Raj Jayadev. Como la vez Miguel!

  36. OK Miguel Gonzales from East San José. I have record and pictures of all Miguel González in San José. I know who you are!

  37. The master mind of Silicon Valley De Bug ? and Silicon Valley Asian Pacific American Democratic Club is no other than Ash Kalra. Other progressive groups in California and United States are linked to this man. Ash Kalra, Ro Khanna and Google top are players of placing East Asians, South East Asians, and South Asians in position of power in governmental, academic, politics… Connect the dots and figure what they are planning. They categorize East Asians, South East Asians, and South Asians into one group to claim Asians are majority in Santa Clara County. All these Asian groups DO NOT share the same culture, race, or ethnicity. They pretend to support the Latino and Black community because their communist, pro Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela is simply not popular with most Democrats, only with far left. These are also the groups that engage in heavy whitening products. Their behaviors and intentions do not match. Google CEO even met with Trump in pro China crusade. Is this so obvious plan hard to see for most of you people? In California and in Santa Clara County White and Latino populations are the two largest groups!

  38. Hello everyone, This is Ana Gabriela Hermosillo (Ana G Villarreal). I recently received information from few of my female friends living in Santa Clara County. The screenshots I received show Information that appears to indicate Silicon Valley De Bug is acting as a political group and at the same time as a Tax Exempt Community Group. This is highly concerning because De Bug appears to be the De Bug The Police Campaign while at the same time having participatory role with the Santa Clara County MHSA and Behavioral Health projects which are funded by public funds (Tax Payers’ Dollars). As part of my role as a Santa Clara County MHSA SLC member, my responsibility representing the county people and ensuring integrity of process and the tax dollars spent in process as prescribed by law on this funding. I asked De Bug’s people directly about IRS limits related to their apparent dual role as a political group and as a Community group. I asked them vía their Twitter account displaying the story of the Gilroy criminal suspect killed by the San Jose Police Department. Their response to my inquiry was to block me from their Twitter account. Silicon Valley De Bug, if you are not willing to be accountable to the people of Santa Clara County, why do you expect accountability from others? “Be the change you want to see in the world.” In Christ, Ana G

  39. Kamala Harris VP Supporters
    #SiliconValley #DeBug #bloked me from their #twitter #account 4 asking if their status is #political #nonprofits & #IRS limits? #KamalaHarrisVPSupporters #LatinosForBidenHarris

    Yesterday, I asked Debug, via their twitter account, if they are a political group or a community organization. I Included a screenshot showing Endorsement from South County Progressives for De Bug’s De Fund the Police Campaign and also their EIN: 46-4274158 I did this by responding to their tweet related to the young men from Gilroy recently killed in San Jose by the SJPD. Instead of answering to my inquiry, they blocked me! You can find these screenshots at KamalaHarrisVPSupporter@AnaGVillarreal1

  40. Hey De Bug, no point in blocking people. We have eyes in every single of your events, demonstrations, and eyes in every county department and agency. We take the back see. As COVID, you don’t see us, but we are there. As simple as two friends having a tea together, virtually now, and sharing information. Hasta la vista queridos! #FeminismoParaTodas!

  41. Callamos si puedes hijo de tú putisima madre! F@ken Miguel! Te faltan muchos huevos para eso c@bron los uterinos que a nosotras nos sobran! The typical violent male, pretending to support honorable causes while at the same time fully displaying his hatred for others especially women. I know quite well you and Raj belong to that male profile pool! Recuerda tu madre también habrio las piernas para tenerte y traerte a este mundo. Más le hubiera valido abortarte pues trajo una porqueria de hombre al mundo! Nuestros ojos están my cerca de Raj y de ti. No todos los hombres son basura como tú.

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