East Side Race On

Though he’s yet to decide whom he’s endorsing in the District 5 runoff, J. Manuel Herrera will indeed be running to retain his long-held East Side Union High School District Board Trustee seat next fall.

When Herrera hoofed it to the County of Santa Clara Registrar of Voters Office to pull his papers earlier this month, however, whom did he discover in line ahead of him? None other than former East Side Superintendent Bob Nuñez.

Turns out that Nuñez has also thrown in his hat for a spot on the embattled school board, where trustee Frank Biehl’s, Herrera’s and board president Eddie Garcia’s seats are all up for grabs. (As an aside, we hear Garcia has had complications following his June heart attack and is still in intensive care.)

Herrera says he and Nuñez chatted congenially about the World Cup while in line. Considering that Nuñez has been hovering around the East Side Board like a (ahem) fly ever since getting unceremoniously ousted amid a swirl of controversy last October, the news that he wants to get back on the board is somewhat unsurprising.

Nuñez has already won the East Side Teachers Association endorsement, having been outspoken at board meetings on his concerns about fraud and intimidation within the district—particularly taking issue with East Side associate superintendent of facilities Alan Garofalo. Curiously, Garofalo quietly retired from the district on July 1, after having his contract renewed by the board on May 10. He gave one week’s notice.

The Fly is the valley’s longest running political column, written by Metro Silicon Valley staff, to provide a behind-the-scenes look at local politics. Fly accepts anonymous tips.


  1. To whom are you referring when you write, “….he wants to get back in the board…?”

    It seems like you’re referring to Bob Nunez, who served as superintendent and never as a Board trustee. Am I missing something?

    • Listen, Nunez was “in” with the Board, that’s why he stayed so long.  He had no experience, was sleeping with the Teachers Association and didn’t appreciate the hard working people in the District.  The only conversations he had were with those that kissed up to him.  If they let him on that Board, then that Association President will be trying to run the school district again.  That would be a demise to education in San Jose.  Get that Association (Marisa – wanna be European), but takes the heritage benefits – out of the school and take that President’s salary out of the pockets of the teachers she claims to represent, but actually favors her much younger prissy/dopey husband, friends and family (who can’t teach, have minimal education and want to be make-believe movie stars).  Bob needs to stop trying to drag people into his toilet flushing career and pulling Alan down with him was just one of his many capers that he has up his sleeve.  Clean up that school Board, that Association and put some leaders in that District who aren’t in it for personal “heritage” reasons and teach for God’s sake. Those kids are not getting any smarter!

  2. Why so much hatred for a man that was only doing his job. He was ousted by the board when he questioned business practices and other issues in their facilities department. Two MAJOR, very extensive reports cleared Mr. Nunez, yet you people are still trying to drag him down. Wouldn’t you question the missing money in the family cookie jar? Grow up, and stop misguiding the public. The Board has final word on what gets passed.

    Honestly, it wouldn’t take much for anyone to look at public records, campaign funding records, and board minutes to start connecting the pieces. It’s a sloppy trail of crumbs that doesn’t lead back to Mr. Nunez.

    You can stir up the can as much as want, the reports are final and he’s clean. He didn’t run back down South, he didn’t get angry, and you can’t blame him for a structure that was there way before he came on as superintendent. Many of the board members have been there way longer! Question their ethics.

    I hope Mr. Nunez gets elected as well as two NEW board members, so they can get back to the business of educating students, not lining pockets.

    • Thank you for being an honest, accurate poster.  So refreshing in a group of petulant sore losers who cannot bring themselves to admit they were ALL WRONG about this man who was not vengeful for having been so unfairly accused,  who was cleared completely of wrong doing, instrumental in removing a piece garbage who actually was responsible for corruption that cost the district untold monies and is not only willing but anxious to give even more of his heart and soul to an ungrateful, shamelessly unremorseful public for the sake of the students!  Vote for this guy! A breath of fresh air in a stagnant, ineffective, cesspool of good ol’ boys and girls might do miracles!  Who better than this to clean up that board?  Nobody at all.

  3. Doing his job? That’s a cliche. Mr. Nunez was ousted because he wasn’t doing his job. Mr. Nunez was the head administrator for the ESUHSD and he failed to comply with his charter for running an effective organization. He’s not in it for the children. If he were why would he strive so hard to make ESTA his first money pit. Let me guess? It’s a new dawn and you can call it Tea Party, Recession, Fed Up, whatever your particular phrase, what it means is; if you’re going to have a UNIONIZED backed candidate, especially ESTA – you’re out. ESUHSD teacher’s are among the highest paid teacher’s and not to mention with the worst productivity rate. They only work for 6 mos for crying out loud.

    Back to Nunez and why he shouldn’t be on that Board:

    Selfishness: He’s been the arrogant one and the intimidator.

    Obtuse: He’s disconnected from the students because he pansy’s up to ESTA and contractors.

    Evil: He has hatred and revenge in his blood

    Prejudice: He favors a selected group ESTA and ESTA only

    Greedy: He’s spent the District’s money irresponsibly for his own gain

    Obstructionist: He’s used his former status to weild unsubstantiating untruths about district employees to create an unharmonious working environment.


    • Show one quote, one action, one single instance of hatred and revenge? One?  In fact, there are none.  And God forgive the peacemakers who can actually relate to one another and actually support each other for the betterment of all, especially students! You actually think being admired and endorsed by teachers is a bad thing?  Better we all
      Work like the yahoos in Washington and never get anything done?  What axe do you have to grind, A. R.?  Oh yeah, forced to resign because your name was not cleared, your hands were dirty….shame on you!

  4. It’s just business as usual at the ESUHSD. Board members getting political contributions from vendors.Past Superintendent with his scams. Construction Program Management Contract in the amount of 17 Million plus, Construction Management Contract for 15% of the tax payers bond money.

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