Gilroy Teacher Accused of Threatening Public Health Official is Due in Court Again Oct. 5

Alan Viarengo, a South Bay resident who’s accused of repeatedly threatening Santa Clara County’s chief public health officer over her Covid-19 mandates, asked to delay entering a plea in the case until early next month.

Viarengo, 55, was arrested by Santa Clara County Sheriff’s deputies on Aug. 27 at his Gilroy home and charged with felony counts of stalking by repeated following or malicious harassing, and threatening a public employee.

Viarengo is also suspected of affiliating himself with an anti-government extremist group known as “Boogaloo,” according to investigators. The FBI has classified the so-called Boogaloo Boys as members of a domestic terrorist organization.

When deputies served a warrant late last month at Viarengo’s home, they say they found 138 firearms, thousands of rounds of ammunition and explosive materials.

A Sept. 1 court date was scheduled as a plea hearing, but it was continued to Oct. 5. Viarengo, a former Gavilan College math teacher, has retained a private attorney and remains in custody at the San Jose Main Jail.

Viarengo allegedly sent at least 24 anonymous, hand-written letters to Santa Clara County Public Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody between April and the date of his arrest.

Cody was targeted because of shelter-in-place and other health orders limiting public gatherings since the Covid-19 pandemic started in March, according to investigators. County investigators said some of the letters depicted imagery and slogans often associated with the Boogaloo movement.


  1. Did this guy even write any actual threats? How many guns did this guy actually own? Are you sure those were his guns and not just a stock he was keeping for his boyscout troop or his militia buddies? Did he even make any threats? Just because a man writes a few anonymous letters, and keeps some plastic explosives, and participates in a terrorist organization, the liberal media and the deep state here in Sham-ta Clara Clownty want to convince me that somehow he’s a bad guy!! I don’t THANK so! Some fella came up to me the other day talking some nonsense about the theory ladeness of observation, and I said I don’t know what that means, but I know that it’s WRONG because unless I see this letter with my own eyes how am I supposed to know that he wrote it OR that it even exists OR that I’m not in the dream of some crazy demon! Isn’t it MORE LIKELY that he DIDNT write the letters, and he’s being PERSECUTED because the government is run by LIZARDMEN who want to stop the SECOND AMERICAN CIVIL WAR?

  2. So he is not a teacher? The headline is a bit misleading – as it makes him appear to be a high-school or grade-school teacher – not a “former” college math teacher. I’m not saying he shouldn’t have been arrested – i’m just saying the headline is misleading.

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