San Jose 2nd Best Place to Find a Job

Unemployment may still be above 10 percent, but San Jose still leads the nation as the best place to find a job, just behind Washington, DC.

The results were found by, an online job search engine. According to Juju, there are 2.68 unemployed individuals for every advertised job in San Jose, a far cry from Detroit, the country’s unemployment capital, which has 20.76 unemployed individuals for each advertised job. San Jose was also the only major urban area on the West Coast to appear on the site’s top five list, the others being Baltimore, Boston, and New York.

Read More at the Business Journal.


  1. All cities should be working together to promote economic growth.  Sunnyvale planners are not doing so.

    Planning officials in Sunnyvale are apparently encouraging neighborhood association officers to stuff mailboxes of residents recruiting them to oppose the 49er stadium.  Jamie Mcleod is a former Sunnyvale Planning official and is not abstainig on votes involving the stadium in Santa Clara though McLeod continues to make charges against her colleagues.  Public Record requests have been made to Sumnyvale though McLeod is refusing to disclose emails exchanged with the neighborhood leaders who are illegally stuffing mailboxes.

  2. Speaking of someone with a job, and doing it well! I would really like to encourage all of you SJI readers to read Gary Richard’s columns on DUIs in the Mercury News and send him an email thanking him. ([email protected])

    He has done something I rarely see in the Mercury News and that is support the law, and gives priority to victims of crime. May be if we encourage writers like him to keep doing the great job he is doing, the Mercury News will finally start writing factual stories supporting the rights of victims, and lawful behaviors by the public.

    Below is the email I sent him today.

    (Roadshow: DUI offenders, victims share their stories
    By Gary Richards)

    Mr. Richards,
    I really must commend you for your recent columns on DUI. I have been very angry at the City Council for relaxing their position on drinking in public. The likelihood that these drunks don’t jump in a car drunk after partying downtown is almost nil! The pressure put on the Mayor and Council by criminal apologists, calling themselves activist, is one major aspect of why so many people get away with drinking and driving so many times before they are prosecuted, and why people die or are injured by drunks, or driving drunk. (The City’s Task Force that dealt with public drunkenness did not have one single victim’s rights advocate, or person from MADD on it, but yet they were allowed to speak for the entire community. Very sad indeed!) 

    I can not thank you enough for using your column to take a tough stand against the whining of that drunk driver who got a DUI and cried about the consequences he is now suffering, and for allowing such open and honest discussion on the seriousness of drinking and driving. It is really NICE to see someone at the Mercury News writing something that encourages lawfulness, and actually gives a dam about victims and their families.

    Please, keep up the great work, and have a very HAPPY and SAFE New Year!

    God Bless you,


  3. > According to Juju, there are 2.68 unemployed individuals for every advertised job in San Jose. . .

    Obviously a bogus statistic.

    A. Many “advertised jobs” are ghost jobs posted by companies just to keep track of the applicant pool.

    B. Jobs for gardeners, lettuce pickers, and lawn rakers at Home Depot parking lots don’t show up as “advertised jobs”.

  4. If San Jose has low unemployment relative to the rest of the country, why is it such financial trouble?

    Maybe San Jose should build a 49ers stadium. According to the rhetoric and prayers of pom pom waving current and former Santa Clara politicians, building a 49ers stadium will cause money to rain down on a city.

    • Debbie Costa, Patti Mahan, Lisa Gillmor are waving pom poms?

      That would be a great picture.  Better than the one of Jackson on the park bench getting comfortable.

    • Make a list of the jobs that a stadium creates. Make a list of the number of days a stadium is open and for how many hours in a day. The closer you look the more rediculous touting a stadium on the basis of jobs is.

  5. The ideal place to find a job varies by industry, but popular choices include online platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor. These sites provide a wide range of job listings, making it easy to filter positions that match your skills and qualifications. Networking, both in person and through social media, is another great way to discover job openings that might not be publicly posted. For government jobs, securing an appointment for NBI clearance is crucial, as many employers request this document during the hiring process. It’s best to book early to avoid delays!

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