Back in the Oval Office, President Donald Trump is once again trying to break a policy California Democrats adopted during his first term to protect certain undocumented immigrants from being deported.
One of his first executive orders targets the state’s so-called sanctuary law, which generally limits how local cops interact with federal immigration officers. Trump’s order, titled the “Protecting the American People Against Invasion”, would deny federal funds to sanctuary jurisdictions across the country.
It’s not clear yet what kind of federal funds the Trump administration would withhold. But, for a state of 39 million people that relies heavily on federal dollars for its public programs and currently for its wildfire recovery, withholding money could be a crippling blow.
It’s worth noting that Trump attempted something similar during his first term. California sued and the courts sided with the state.
Before Trump took office, a nonprofit led by his policy adviser Stephen Miller sent letters to hundreds of local elected officials around the country warning them they faced “legal consequences” if their sanctuary policies interfered with immigration enforcement.
So what does the state’s sanctuary law do exactly and what does it mean for Trump’s mass deportation plans?
Here are five things to know about the California Values Act.
It’s about what cops can do
In October 2017, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law Senate Bill 54, the California Values Act, commonly referred to as the state’s sanctuary law. That law bars state and local police from investigating, interrogating, or arresting people for immigration enforcement purposes, and limits — but does not entirely prohibit — police cooperation with federal immigration officials.
Kevin De Leon, the former state Senate leader who authored the law, told NPR in 2017 that the point of the law was to make clear that the feds cannot enlist local police “as a cog in the Trump deportation machine.”
The “sanctuary” movement goes back to the 1980s when Central American refugees fled civil war and immigrated to the U.S. When they were denied asylum, they sought protection from deportation in churches and other places of worship.
Today the sanctuary law does not actually refer to a place or territory where immigrants can seek protection. Living in California alone does not shield someone from deportation.
Instead, the law clarifies what state and local law enforcement in California can and cannot do with regard to immigration. For example, the law says that local police cannot detain or keep someone in custody more than 48 hours past their release date just for immigration officials to pick them up.
The law does not restrict what the federal government can do in the state. To be clear, that means U.S Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) can still arrest and deport undocumented people living in California and other sanctuary jurisdictions.
“The federal government has a lane that they are entitled to move in, they can enforce immigration law,” California Attorney General Rob Bonta said last week during a press conference in San Diego. But “They can’t conscript or force the city or the county or the state law enforcement entities to do their job for them.”
Who isn’t protected
President Trump and his allies have repeatedly argued that sanctuary laws shield dangerous criminals. They have at times pointed to specific crimes committed by undocumented immigrants to argue the sanctuary law puts the greater public at risk. In 2019, for example, Trump pointed to the slaying of a police officer in Stanislaus County to criticize the sanctuary law and demand more funding for border protection.
But that’s not the whole story. The law says police can tell immigration authorities about an inmate’s upcoming release if that person has been convicted of a serious crime or felony, such as: murder, rape, kidnapping, robbery and arson, among many others.
And as some sheriffs have noted, there is nothing that stops immigration officials from using jail websites and fingerprints databases to identify people of interest.
It is up to ICE to pick up individuals on their release. Between 2018 and 2023, California jails transferred more than 4,000 individuals to immigration authorities. At the same time, ICE doesn’t always show up when someone is released from jail or prison. For example, ICE picked up about 80% of undocumented immigrants released from state prisons between 2017 and 2020, according to a 2022 Senate legislative analysis.
“It is an absurdity to be talking about SB 54 as preventing bad, non-citizens with serious criminal convictions from being turned over to (the Department of Homeland Security), it doesn’t do that,” said Niels Frenzen, a professor at USC’s Gould School of Law and co-director of the school’s immigration clinic. “But those facts are just not part of the political debate.”
Immigrants who are protected by the sanctuary state law are usually those who are arrested for less serious offenses, such as traffic violations and driving without a license or insurance, Frenzen said.
Courts upheld California’s sanctuary law
After California enacted its Values Act, Trump’s Justice Department took the state to court, arguing that the state law “interferes with federal immigration authorities’ ability to carry out their responsibilities under federal law.”
Some immigration attorneys, however, have pointed out that the state law seemed to have little impact on ICE’s ability to do its job.
For example, the Justice Department in its 2018 lawsuit said that in 2017 ICE apprehended 20,201 unlawfully present people in California, which represented about 14% of all ICE arrests made that year.
ICE was on track to exceed that number in the following year. In the first two months of 2018 after the sanctuary law took effect, it arrested 8,588 people in California, or about 14% of all arrests nationwide, according to a filing in the lawsuit by Trump’s Justice Department.
In 2019, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the California Values Act did not impede enforcement of federal immigration law. When the Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to review the case, it refused to do so, leaving the law as is.
In a separate fight, California sued the Trump administration for its policy to withhold federal law enforcement grants from jurisdictions with sanctuary policies. A federal judge sided with California.
Studies show no effect on crime
Critics of the law have long claimed that the sanctuary state law harms public safety. The Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank at Stanford, for example, has linked the law to the fentanyl epidemic, noting that a spike in fentanyl-related deaths started happening around 2018, soon after the sanctuary policy went into effect. Whether causation or coincidence, there isn’t much in the way of official research that proves this.
To prove such a claim, one would have to isolate the sanctuary state law’s specific impact on crime, researchers say.
A 2020 analysis of California’s law by researchers at the University of California, Irvine examined the state’s 2018 violent and property crime rates and compared them to estimated crime rates had Gov. Brown not signed the sanctuary policy. The study found that the law did not have a significant impact on either violent crime or property crime.
Charis Kubrin, who authored the study, said the takeaway of her research was that changing the state’s sanctuary status is not likely to result in major reductions in crime. “Getting rid of SB 54, for example, is not going to make crime go down because it didn’t cause crime to go up in the first place,” Kubrin said.
A separate study by researchers at Stanford and Princeton looked at sanctuary policies across the country and found that these measures reduce the overall number of deportations by one-third, but they did not reduce the number of deportations on people with violent criminal convictions.
That study also found that these policies don’t have much of a direct effect on crime.
Conflict expected in ‘sensitive areas’
During the Biden administration, the federal government had in place a “sensitive areas” order, which discouraged immigration agents from making arrests in places like schools, hospitals, churches and courthouses. Last week, the Trump administration rescinded that order.
“When ICE engages in civil immigration enforcement actions in or near courthouses it can reduce safety risks to the public,” reads a Jan. 21 memo to staff from ICE Acting Director Caleb Vitello.
The sanctuary state law asks officials at the same places to adopt policies to limit public participation with immigration enforcement, such as requesting a warrant from ICE agents before they attempt to arrest anyone. That could create a conflict for local officials if the immigration crackdown in the new administration hits their venue, said Alvaro Huerta, director of litigation and advocacy at Immigrant Defenders Law Center.
Given Trump’s recent rule reversal, Huerta said, “the federal government may attempt some (immigration) enforcement in those spaces, but the state government is asking those spaces to require warrants.”
Ana B. Ibarra is a reporter with CalMatters.
The City of San Jose reportedly funds the Rapid Response Network that reports the activities of ICE law enforcement on social media in real time, including street coordinates and make and color of unmarked vehicles, causing KCBS to announce the same on the radio last weekend, endangering federal law officers. Our local tax dollars fund this, and councilman Peter Ortiz has demanded more money for it despite a looming $60 million deficit.
This is the moral and legal equivalent of publishing troop ship movements during wartime. It’s reprehensible and seditious.
Illegals need to go. All of them. Protesting criminals being removed is insanity. California should not receive one cent of federal funds until it comes into compliance with the federal government. Since California brags about being one of the largest economies in the world then you all need to PAY FOR THINGS YOURSELF. Newsom needs to be jailed. Incompetence is Californias biggest export at this point.
Obstruction of justice, and harboring illegal immigrants both are punishable. Know before you start.
As a California native I’m ashamed of when not disgusted by the decline in the state, its ever worse dominant leftist politics and related government, and what it disgracefully does to the phrase “California values.”
While the CVA does not bar all cooperation between state law enforcement and ICE, some local jurisdictions do and the CVA expressly permits them to do so. For example, Santa Clara County bars all cooperation with ICE for immigration enforcement, even for those convicted of rape and murder. Any discussion of the what the CVA permits, without examining what the counties prohibit is myopic and perhaps intentionally so.
I would consider myself to be the typical leftist/progressive most hated entity. A former tech executive turned landlord; employed roughly 30% of my adult life, I have gamed the system to not only multiply our net worth twelve times since retiring but have deferred almost all taxes indefinitely. Mostly due to progressive politicians and their policies such as open borders and sanctuary cities.
First, whatever the number is – 5M, 12M, or 25M immigrants (legal or otherwise) living in the US dramatically increase rent. Imagine two worlds, one in which there are 10 homes for every 8 families and one in which there are 8 homes for every 10 families, the difference in rent would be enormous. In 1972, the US crossed the 2.1 replacement rate threshold and has failed to pierce it since. Yet according to the SJ Housing Market Update, the average rent in SCC was $3806 for 3Q24. In 1972 the median gross rent in CA was $126, or $898 in today’s dollars. [footnote: Is this a perfect analysis? No, SCC is not CA, and if anyone has data on 1972 SCC medians rent, please share it, but the statistics won’t be much different.] Rent has increased 4x faster than inflation in an industry whose prices are explained almost completely by gaps in supply and demand. If you recall, rent dropped 40% during COVID-19 on non-rent controlled apartments and 30% in 2001 during the dot-com bust. Development obstacles aside (and they are legion), when the supply of people goes up, the demand goes up regardless of the price (inelasticity) and with people not replacing themselves. Without massive immigration, rent would lag behind inflation as the landlord costs are almost the same with the unit occupied vs unoccupied. In a low-regulation environment, landlords will take some rent rather than nothing. In reality, due to the demographic problems in the West, owning real estate should be dead money getting deader from 1972 onward.
Second, labor. The petite bourgeois landlords are just a tiny slice of the elite. The real win for the US oligarchs is cheap, mobile, factionalized, compliant labor. Pitting the immigrant against the native in the workplace significantly reduces the masses’ labor negotiation leverage, resulting in lower pay, lower benefits, and worse working conditions. When the employer knows his workforce has no rights and no power, when they are dependent on them to achieve higher immigration status (H1B), they can grind all the workers down to a pulp. In markets that have little to no immigrant labor (they exist in the US), getting a tradesman/contractor to even come out for a quote or take a call requires personal contacts and they will ghost you immediately once a better job becomes available. Keeping an employee is also a challenge. And the cost of labor is outrageous. Compare that to Santa Clara County where one could swing by Home Depot and pick up 5-6 day laborers tomorrow, many of which are maestros, for $100-$200 a day per head. And since it is across the board, construction, factory, hauling, agriculture, and technology, the elite who are steeped in capital that can move at the speed of light, win every time in this zero-sum game. Do not lie to yourself with abstractions, theories, or anecdotes, for practical purposes, this is a zero-sum game.
Third, the crime. It may be true that the crime rates (post-immigration, as all illegal immigration is a crime) are the same for immigrants and native-born US Citizens. But that is not the point. First, like kills like and like rapes like, the people most affected by these crimes are other immigrants and the neighbors of said immigrants. Many of whom do not report them. For every Laken Riley there are likely 10 invisible Juanita Hernadezs. More so, in-group preference is an evolutionary reality that is leveraged by the rich. The elite spin in their oxblood leather chair every time native-born US citizens of certain ancestry point out crimes by immigrants, as it significantly erodes the masses’ social cohesion. This is why corporate-owned media focuses on such events and runs them on a loop.
Fourth, politically. I know many of you still believe in the democratic ideal of government by the people, for the people, etc. This is a delusion. The world has been, is, and will always be run by elites who create myths to get the masses’ buy-in. An organized minority is always more effective than a disorganized majority. Always. Now, there is some hope, sometimes there is a shared morality and affinity between the elites and the masses. However, this usually only happens when one castle of elites uses the masses to wrestle power from the incumbent castle. Neutering the masses effectively blocks such alliances. The neoliberal progressives will point to Ricardo, and say comparative advantage raises all boats and is the practical way of bending the arc of moral universe towards justice. Ricardo only works for the masses if capital and labor are fixed within boundaries. If not, capital chases the highest return (next county, next state, next country, next continent), leaving the masses underemployed and the elites move labor into a region to dilute the masses’ leverage. The progressivism of free trade and open borders only enriches and entrenches the incumbent elites. Period. You have been fooled and lied to. You and your children are paying the price for your and your parent’s intellectual laziness.
Now, my family and I thank you, the typical progressive Santa Clara voter, for your laziness, because your lack of critical thinking has made us far richer than we would have been otherwise. However, objectively, this is not fair, moral, or scalable for a country. The masses need to keep the elite power in check by ensuring they war with each other instead of pointing all their munitions at the masses (like the last 40-50 years) In general you will not repeat what they have done, because by creating space for yourself to succeed, you will destroy the supply/demand gaps they leveraged to achieve their wealth. You can however agitate to constrain the elites’ access to labor, constrain the movement of their capital, and limit access to the US market by foreign manufacturers. Open borders, sanctuary cities, and other forms of government-sanctioned immigration only help the incumbent elite and keep the masses poor and powerless.
In other words, law of supply and demand. Get rid of illegal immigrants, and wages go up and housing prices down for actual Americans.
Also, by definition, the crimes the illegals commit, sometimes grotesque (Laken Riley, say her name), also vanish.
These are elementary, and unassailable, concepts. Democrat politicians ignore them for their own sinister purposes. Illegals are here to replace us and usher in the single party slave state. You will own nothing and be happy.
“Illegals are here to replace us”
not really, they are here to dilute your leverage and yes in many ways this comes down to supply and demand, but globally instead of locally – S/D as political economy instead of industry or product analysis
you have less leverage against the landlord because he has people who need his unit
you have less leverage against the boss because he can find a globe worth of desperate laborers to do that work
you have less leverage against the ruling elite because they stack divide-and-conquer techniques to atomize groups that would naturally organize
the idea is to have an organized minority rule over as many unorganized people as possible and keep them agitated against each other
they don’t need illegals to vote, as they very effectively reduce social cohesion. they do not want to replace you; they want more mules in the soup. replacement is sideways on the revenue charts, they want you at each other’s throats as they monetize more and more units
There needs to be a more reslistic approach to immigration reform thsn Trump’s massive desire to wreak havoc all iver North Smerics. A real dialigue with the new President if Mexico is so mych more of a sokution. The corridor must be looked at with humanity. Anotger outside issue is gripping Mexico. CASINO CORRUPTION. mexico has not reformed its casino law in years. Massive problems have cropped up. Believe it or not, Jed York has entered into the sleazy world of Mexican gambling. Tge 49ers are now partnering with a Mexican casino to create an international sports betting firm, to free up tge Yorks from NFL regulation. York is involvrd in a sleazy desl to take sports betting out of state and federal regulation.