Technical Education Cuts Are Dangerous

Unfortunately, there is more evidence that the “audacity of hope” is a bust and “fierce urgency of now” is just rhetorical flourish without meaning. I say that as one of the millions who stood on the U.S. Capitol lawn proudly cheering with teary eyes at the inauguration of our 44th President.

The Obama administration has proposed a 20 percent reduction in its fiscal 2012 budget for career and technical education. Just as we were beginning to make significant headway in raising the stature of vocation education for the 21st Century we cut the proverbial legs out from underneath the effort.

Secretary of Education Arnie Duncan speaking in April before the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium said that the career technical education advocates must demonstrate the results from their programs by making a compelling case for federal funds. Duncan told the crowd that more cuts would be coming in Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act in the 2012 fiscal year. He sympathized with the Directors about the pending cuts knowing it will be difficult for them to swallow. He said it was a difficult choice to make.

I don’t get it. We can find hundreds of billions of dollars to wage war against nations, arguably with little threat to us. We resuscitated life with billions in cash infusions from the Fed when the “too big to fail” financial institutions bilked Americans and our economy was near collapse. When Ford, GM and Chrysler were in jeopardy of bankruptcy we bailed them out with billions. For all intents and purposes it appears those controversial decision made by the same administration were made with the intention of protecting our national interests.

What about our children? Is it not the education of our children that will produce the biggest result in economic gain and our democracy’s survival?

If we as a nation invest in career and technical education programs we are spending wisely for our future. The net gain in tax revenue could be in the billions from a workforce that has skills consistent with the needs in the industrial world today. In many industries employers have been clamoring for schools to increase programs that provide technical skills for entry-level workers.

No longer are these jobs sweatshop-like, rather they require the individual to have knowledge-based skills, including literacy, communication and numerical skills. It is a win-win for the individual with the skills and the employer that needs a skilled workforce.

The U.S. Department of Education reports that nearly 75 percent of all students graduate America’s high schools. Not surprisingly students that complete a more career-focused curriculum in high school graduation rate jumps to 90 percent of the total as reported by the Office of Vocational and Adult Education. There is also strong evidence that career technical education graduates go on to enroll in courses in community colleges and beyond. 

We must raise the educational bar for all students in high school by requiring A-G requirements in order for graduates to be eligible to attend any school in the UC or CSU system. Concurrent with this practice we should thoughtfully increase career-focused academies in our high schools that integrate academics into 21st century vocational pathways.

“America will not be able to resolve the crisis of unemployment, or the problem of losing the international race for more college graduates, by ignoring the large proportion of learners who achieve at high levels in applied learning settings”, said Dr. Gail Mellow, President, LaGuardia Community College. I agree with Dr. Mellow and disagree vehemently with the course the Obama administration has recently taken to reduce by 20 percent the funds for CTE in 2012.

Joseph Di Salvo is a member of the Santa Clara County Office of Education’s Board of Trustees. He is a San Jose native. His columns reflect his personal opinion.


  1. “I say that as one of the millions who stood on the U.S. Capitol lawn proudly cheering with teary eyes at the inauguration of our 44th President.”

    Obamabot Noun:

    One who supports Barack Obama and yet knows
    very little or nothing about Obama the man and politician; his history, accomplishments and challenges beyond repeating Obama talking points and/or slogans.

  2. The next bubble to burst will be the billions in loans given to students who attended so called technical colleges and are now defaulting. The schools are scamming billions of tax dollars and providing little in terms of expertise to the labor pool. Too many students were fooled into taking out huge loans, the schools provided false information to the government and then the students either drop out from lack of interest (but still on the hook for the entire loan) or graduate with insufficient skills to land a job.

    NY Times has done an excellent job exposing the fraud in many of these trade schools:

    • There is a huge difference between non-profit Community Colleges and Universities which support “Career and Technical Education” and For-Profit schools like Kaplan and Phoenix University which support “EARNING MONEY”. It’s not fraud – businesses care about earning money. You’re not even informed.

  3. “I say that as one of the millions who stood on the U.S. Capitol lawn proudly cheering with teary eyes at the inauguration of our 44th President.”
    Kinda makes you feel all verklempt all over again doesn’t it?

    Here’s Obama on the job explaining how he took care of the public employee unions with the trillion dollar stimulus package.
    (There’s that darned democrat machine / public employee union cabal again.)

    This sums it up pretty well.

    “They told me if I voted for John McCain that the country would go to hell in a handbasket – and they were right!”

  4. Mr. DiSalvo.

    You finally feel the way I felt about Obama :

    “Unfortunately, there is more evidence that the “audacity of hope” is a bust and “fierce urgency of now” is just rhetorical flourish without meaning. I say that as one of the millions who stood on the U.S. Capitol lawn proudly cheering with teary eyes at the inauguration of our 44th President.”

    The President did not fulfill what he promised in his outline book that was just published after “Audacity” . He doubled the nation’s debt with his stimulus money when he tried to save public sector jobs. The Money was spent , now educator’s a facing layoffs and cuts. That money he spent on the public could have been used to create jobs in the private sector . Money well spent ……………..
    As we all see Congress is gridlocked on the debt ceiling , and buy Aug 2 there could be a crisis .

    If we keep going this way , yep we are all going to see real CHANGE … and not $

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