The mutating Avian Flu virus has spread rapidly in California, the nation’s largest producer of milk. Farmers are frustrated that their herds are getting infected despite various precautions.
Read More 1San Jose Inside (https://www.sanjoseinside.com)
The National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning today for Northern California coastal areas, including the Bay Area. A flood watch is in effect for the Bay Area and Central Coast through Friday morning. The weather service forecast for San Jose features rain for at least the next two weeks.
Read More 1Prospective jurors in Santa Clara County and the rest of the state are not paid on their first day of jury duty, then receive just $15 per day and 34 cents per mile, round trip from home. The new bill would offer the higher stipends for two years to low-income jurors in Monterey, Alameda, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Kern counties.
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