Joseph DiSalvo

Joseph DiSalvo

Joseph Di Salvo is a member of the Santa Clara County Office of Education’s Board of Trustees. He is a San Jose native. His columns reflect his personal opinion.

Posts by Joseph DiSalvo

Mayor’s Race Moves to Education at Upcoming Forum

This Saturday at 10am the county Board of Education will co-sponsor a mayoral forum on public education. When you examine the list of critical issues San Jose's next mayor will have to confront—public safety, transportation, affordable housing, libraries, etc.—nearly all relate to our children's education.

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SJSU Gets Provost Hiring Right

In the last two months I have had the privilege of participating in the search for a new provost for San Jose State University. While times are tough in higher education circles, I'm happy to report the school made the right hire in Dr. Andrew Feinstein.

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