The California state budget has been a rollercoaster over the past few years. Big deficits generally mean cutting plans and programs.
Read More 2San Jose Inside (https://www.sanjoseinside.com)
San Jose was known as the lowrider capital of California until 1986, when the city banned those cars and created “no cruising zones.” The city overturned its ban on lowriders in 2022, and on Sept. 1 of this year San Jose city officials joined car enthusiasts in celebrating the first Annual Lowrider Day.
Read More 3Unions won major victories in this year’s legislative session on pay for fast food and health care workers, benefits for strikers and bargaining rights. Business groups say labor has too much power at the Capitol. Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas says unions are counting on lawmakers to deliver results.
Read More 1On Monday, the Assembly finished its votes on Newsom’s series of infrastructure streamlining bills, although not without reservations. Today, the Senate is expected to take its final vote on the infrastructure package, agreeing to some Assembly amendments before sending it to Gov. Newsom’s desk.
Read More 0After a prolonged transition, the Hollister Democrat was sworn in as Assembly speaker today, taking over from Anthony Rendon of Southern California. It’s been a meteoric ascent for the 43-year-old who grew up in farmworker housing, and worked as a high school counselor and community college teacher while serving as a San Benito County supervisor.
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